Better Breakfasts

Breakfast Sweet Potato Pudding

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When you think of pudding, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Chocolate or maybe butterscotch? Those were two of my favorites when I was a kid. But pudding doesn’t have to be full of sugar–one of those addicting ingredients that often sabotage our health goals. How about a pudding that’s loaded with natural sweetness and powerful antioxidants to help you live well naturally?

This week, I whipped up a new kind of pudding that’s destined to become a favorite on my family’s breakfast table. One of my favorite veggies is a baked sweet potato–my comfort foods are always smooth and creamy. It’s good enough by itself for a breakfast food. But when it’s baked and mixed with some other breakfast standby’s–milk and oats–it becomes a brand new delight. I’m sure you’ll be smacking your lips just like we were.

Sweet Potato Health-Bite

Sweet potato loves you back in so many ways! It’s one of those veggies that keeps giving and giving. Just one medium-sized sweet potato provides 400% of the vitamin A you need each day. This helps keep your eyes healthy, your immune system strong, It’s also good for your heart, kidneys, and reproductive organs.

Breakfast Sweet Potato Pudding

A creamy breakfast pudding made with sweet potato and a touch of maple syrup.
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 2 people


  • 1 cup baked sweet potatoes
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk or your favorite plant milk
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp coriander (optional but recommended)


  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender.
  • Every sweet potato has different amounts of natural sweetness. If desired, add a little more maple syrup or a few pitted dates.
  • Blend until smooth. Add additional milk, a little at a time until you have a pudding consistency.
  • Refrigerate to chill; serve.


Allergy Variations: If you cannot tolerate oats, you can use quinoa flakes instead. I have also made it with cooked millet. Both make a delicious breakfast pudding. 
Gluten-Free Options: Use gluten-free oats, quinoa flakes, or cooked millet in place of regular rolled oats. 

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Breakfast Sweet Potato Pudding
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