Healthy Eating

Hit Your Fiber Target

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If you’re like me, you probably have read something this week about how to have a healthy heart. Maybe it was about cutting back on saturated fat or reducing sugary sodas or sodium. But did you hear that when we follow a heart-healthy plan for eating, it will also help us lose weight?

A new study published this week in the Annals of Internal Medicine pointed out the double perks we can reap when we aim for a healthy heart. In this study, people who ate healthy meals to have better cardiovascular health also lost an average of about 6 pounds in 6 months. Each person in the study ate about 19 grams of fiber a day. Now, that isn’t the optimum level for fiber in our meals. The recommended guidelines are 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.

Evelyn Kissinger, registered dietician and nutrition director for Lifestyle Matters, points out that if we ate 35-40 grams of fiber a day, we wouldn’t have to worry about losing weight! We would be bursting with good health.

Where can you find that much fiber? Here are some of the best sources to help you hit your fiber target:

Beans and Lentils

These are the fiber powerhouses, supplying you with 6-10 grams per 1/2 cup serving. Black beans are one of my favorites and one of the best beans for adding fiber. Beans are one of the most versatile foods around–you can pack them in a burrito, sprinkle them in your pasta or salad, enjoy them in a burger, and so much more. Try to eat them at least 4 times a week to hit your Fiber Target.

Whole Grains

Whole kernel grains give you 1.5 to 5 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup serving. Check the labels on the breads and cereals you buy. Shoot for 3 or more grams per serving. Mix a variety of grains in your diet. The best of the best grains for fiber include quinoa, bulgar and oats.

Seeds and Nuts

Chia seeds are especially rich in fiber–packing in 5 grams per tablespoon. You can also try ground flax, sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin too. In the nut category, almonds, pistachios and pecans supply the most fiber.

Fruits and Vegetables

Get your sweet fix from fiber-rich berries, pears, apples, bananas, oranges and mangoes. You can also add more leafy greens, broccoli, red or white potatoes with their skin and winter squash.

When you think fiber, think variety. When you pick foods from these 4 groups, you are sure to hit your target, drop some pounds, and build a stronger heart.

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