Latest Recipes

Salad Dressing

Lemon-Seed Dressing

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A delicious, mood-boosting salad dressing made with chia seeds Have you heard of ALA? It stands for alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that is essential for proper brain function and controlling your moods. Since the body can’t manufacture ALA, we have to derive this essential fat from plants. One of […]

Salad Dressing

Lime Dressing

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A simple, refreshing dressing to enjoy on many salads. When I want a light salad, I tend to think of fruit or juice. But I still long for the tang of a dressing. Lime Dressing always fills the bill. It’s light in calories and has the zing in every bite. […]

Food for Medicine

Cold-Fighting Hot Toddy

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An alcohol-free remedy made with cold-beating herbs When I was growing up, my dad’s remedy for a cold was a hot toddy made with whiskey. I always thought it was an English remedy that he picked up from my Nanna and Grand-dad who came from the UK. It turns out […]

Fruit Desserts

Instant Pot Cranberry Applesauce

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Is it my favorite cranberry sauce or my favorite applesauce? No Thanksgiving on the homestead is complete without the side dish of cranberry sauce. I grew up with Ocean Spray cranberry sauce and I pretty much kept up that tradition when I started my own family. I loved the creamy […]


Veggie Oatburgers

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Some of our most popular entrees at New-Start HealthBites have been our Oatburger and Five-Star lentil loaf.  I recently blended the two of them together to make this new burger. They’re easily baked in the oven or on the grill. Made with oats and three kinds of vegetables, these plant-based […]

Healthy Lifestyle

Green Exercise

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Whenever you hear the term, “green exercise,” what do you imagine? Hiking? Climbing mountains? Gardening? All of these are great examples, but any activity that happens in nature where you break into a sweat is green exercise. This term was originally coined by Jules Pretty, PhD and Jo Barton, PhD, […]