Healthy Lifestyle

Energize for Abundant Health

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Do you ever need an energy boost? Everyone gets tired once in awhile. But did you know that 1 out of every 5 Americans say that fatigue is interfering with their everyday lives? And many doctors claim the common reason for most patients coming into their offices is because they feel so tired and worn out. Dr. Jack Groeppel, an exercise physiologist says, “Your energy level comes down to consistent health habits.” But many Americans are opting for a candy bar or cup of coffee  to keep going. Unfortunately, those can only give you a temporary boost of energy.

It’s time for something different. It’s time for energy that will last.

Keri Hans, registered dietician, puts it this way, “After a long stretch without eating (from dinner til morning), high-fiber carbohydrates are key for energy.” Where do we find those high-fiber carbohydrates? We find them in plant foods–vegetables, beans, nut, seeds, fruit and whole grains. They provide the fuel our body requires for long-lasting energy.

But not all carbs are created equal. Some of them are found in simple sugars and some in starches. They are kind of like 2 sides to a large family. Let’s take a quick look at the difference between the two. Simple sugars are composed of 1 or 2 sugar molecules that are linked together. Because they are so small, simple sugars are digested within minutes, giving you a quick bust of energy. Unfortunately, the energy isn’t long-lasting. And pretty soon, you find your energy crashing.

Where do we find simple sugars? Honey and most other liquid sweeteners, 100% fruit juice, table sugar, milk and high sugary desserts all belong in this side of the carbohydrate family. You might also know them by the name of their sugar molecules–fructose, glucose, sucrose, and lactose. Any compound that ends with -ose is a simple sugar.

Then we have the starch family or the complex carbohydrates. Look for them in whole grains, potatoes (white potatoes and sweet potatoes), peas, lentils, beans, and vegetables. All these foods are bigger than simple sugars which means they take longer to digest. What does that mean for you and me? Let’s bring on the perks:

  • They keep your blood sugars stable– You won’t have your blood sugar spiking when you eat starchy or complex carbohydrates, which makes them a perfect choice for preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes.
  • They contain high amounts of fiber– Fiber slows down the rate of glucose being absorbed into your bloodstream. This is a good thing because when it comes to energy, a slower rate of energy is better because it’s steady and continuous. This is what enables you and me to have long-lasting energy.
  • They have more nutrients– Complex carbs have more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than simple sugars.
  • They are good for your heart– Foods like apples, beans, oats and cruciferous vegetables (members of the cabbage family) help to bring down LDL or the bad cholesterol, protecting you from heart disease.
  • They help you lose weight– Because of the high fiber content, complex carbs can help you maintain a healthy weight. Aim for 25-40 grams per day to have abundant health and a trim waistline. Unfortunately, most Americans are only getting 15 grams per day–no wonder we are feeling so tired!

If you want more energy, eat more plants! And put the best fuel into your body’s “tank” for a steady supply of energy.

What other health habits can help you be more energized naturally?

Go for a Sunshine Walk. One simple way is to put on your sneakers and go outside–especially when it’s a sunny day. Getting more vitamin D can stimulate higher energy levels. Walking in the morning helps sync our internal clock so we can start the day feeling bright-eyed and raring to go. So, if you’re looking for more energy, exercise is your best natural remedy. In fact, it can boost your energy up to 12 hours after a mere 20 minute walk, according to a new study at the University of Vermont. Researchers also found that adults who walk for 30 minutes 5 days a week experience more energy for their daily tasks. They also feel healthier overall and more confident.

Hydrate for Energy. Another way to find more energy naturally is to drink more water. A performance study at the University of Connecticut showed that even a slight dehydration can drain your energy levels. So make sure you’re getting enough water through the day. Just don’t depend on your thirst to tell you when to drink. If you’re feeling thirsty, your body is telling you that you’re already dehydrated! A better plan is to start the day with 2 cups of warm water (it will get your digestive system off to a running start), get 4 more glasses before lunch and another 4 before dinner. You might notice that adds up to more than 8 glasses of water. That’s because we’re finding that our body needs more water.

The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine discovered that a healthy adult living in a temperate climate like the U.S. and Canada should have a fluid intake like this: 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 cups for men. But don’t worry! Some of that water can come from those delicious plant foods you’re eating. Did you know that 1 cup of watermelon has a cup of water in it? Other fruits and vegetables are also a healthy choice. Even beans and oatmeal can give you about 1/2 cup of water!

Power Down for a Good Night’s Rest. Another big reason why American are facing their own personal energy crisis is we’re not getting good rest. The Center for Disease Control tells us that 1 out of every 3 Americans isn’t getting a good night’s sleep. That’s the time when our bodies are hard at work. They are busy repairing damage caused by stress. But when we don’t get enough rest, our stress hormones go up and so does our inflammation. This can put you at higher risk for developing heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Scientists are also thinking that inflammation is the culprit for aging us and causing deterioration that’s usually associated with older age. If you’re interested in aging more gracefully (and healthfully) so you can have more energy in your retirement years, reducing inflammation is good medicine. And here’s another perk–plant foods is the safest way to reduce inflammation.

Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

  • Have a regular time for going to bed and getting up in the morning. Stick with that plan, even on the weekends.
  • Eat a lighter 3rd meal. When your digestive organs have to work hard to break down a heavy meal, this can disrupt the sleep process.
  • Power down your brain by turning off electronics one hour before going to bed. Sleep studies have shown that screen time (this includes our phones) can stimulate us physically and psychologically. They can suppress the sleep hormone, melatonin–making it harder to fall asleep or have restful sleep all night long.
  • Take a warm bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salts to help you relax. These salts have anti-inflammatory properties and can help your body to get ready to snooze. How does it work? Your body temperature will go up in the bath. But when it comes back down, it triggers the release of melatonin, that special hormone that helps you sleep.
  • Get some sunshine–just 10 or 15 minutes of outside sun, especially in the afternoon, shuts down your melatonin levels during the day so you feel more energized. But then, it boosts your melatonin at night, just when you need it for some good shut-eye.
  • Sleep specialists also recommend a sleep schedule is a big help for a good night’s rest. You might dim the lights while you’re getting ready for bed. Face-washing and teeth-brushing can also happen in a room with soft lights. And part of a bedtime routine can begin with some light, devotional reading. My family always enjoys a short worship time. We take about 20 minutes to read something that strengthens our faith and love for God. Then we give our cares and worries to God in prayer. It’s another way to begin to rest by finding greater peace with God.

In a nutshell, there are many things we can do naturally to energize through the day:

  1. Energize with high-fiber carbohydrates. Plant foods are the best fuel for revving up our engines.
  2. Energize with more daily walks, especially in the morning. The best perks come when we get in at least 30 minutes of walking 5 days per week.
  3. Energize with drinking more water. Whenever you feel you’re dragging, reach for another glass of water.
  4. Energize with more sunshine. Its helps sync your body clock so you’ll have more get up-and-go.
  5. Energize with better rest. Unplug from work and late night hours and get better sleep.

It’s more than one health habit. That’s how a lifestyle of health and energy works. When we put all of these habits into our lives, we can reap the benefits of greater vitality–to live well naturally.


Article Name
Do you ever need an energy boost? Everyone gets tired once in a while. But 1 out of 5 Americans are so tired, they say fatigue is interfering with their everyday lives. How can you have more energy naturally? Dr. Jack Groeppel, exercise physiologist explains, it all boils down to healthy lifestyle habits.

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