Healthy Lifestyle

The Great Brain Robbery


In one of my favorite health books, I came across this gem. I think of it as one of those key ingredients for living well naturally (one of our mottos here at New Start Cooking Club)–“We are more dependent upon the air we breathe than upon the food we eat” (Counsels on Health, 173). Important as food is, I know I couldn’t last long without breathing. Only 6 minutes and my brain will begin to die. And having seen 2 of my mothers die from Alzheimer’s disease, I am very careful about what I do to maintain brain health.

Young man in the park

Have you ever noticed that when you sit in a room that has little fresh air that you tend to feel groggy, listless, and even a little confused? That’s because your brain is being deprived of an essential element to function properly. Without fresh air, proper nerve management and transportation can’t take place.

There are other factors that tend to deprive the brain of adequate stores of oxygen, such as alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, sugar and a high fat diet. Poor posture and lack of exercise also contribute to the problem. In the long run, chronic brain oxygen deprivation increases the risk of memory loss, mental decline and even dementia. If your “thinking place” seems a little sluggish, perhaps its time to take personal inventory of lifestyle habits—next to an open window!

And it’s not just your brain that thrives on this ample supply of fresh air. Every organ of your body depends on fresh air to function properly. In one sense, your blood is a complex oxygen-transporting superhighway. Red blood cells are oxygen-hungry, and when we take deep breaths of fresh, pure air, the red blood cells rush their precious store of oxygen and nutrients to body tissues (provided you drink enough water to keep the blood flowing freely!)

Oxygen is essential to tissue health, both externally and internally. In the absence of oxygen, cell death begins to occur. And cells that are deprived of oxygen are the most subject to malignant change—cancer!

Lately, I’ve been discovering how important clean air is in my house. This time of year, I’m often attacked by allergies. I wake up sneezing, with my nose running. It’s the same before I go to bed and often in between am and pm. I’ve tried over the counter meds, but they make me drowsy and don’t alleviate the problem entirely. But recently, my husband bought us a new fan. It emits negative ions that trap fine air pollutants such as pollen, mold and dust. All the instigators of my allergies! It has been amazing how this ionizing fan cleans the air and relieves me of any sneezing, wheezing or watery eyes. It only takes a couple of minutes for me to have relief! 

Fresh, clean air is definitely a must and a tremendous blessing! 

When God formed man out of the dust of the earth, the Bible says that He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). A new living being awoke to health, strength, and life. Our Creator desires us to have a relationship and connection with Him that is as intimate, fresh and life-giving as that first vivifying breath that Adam, the first man, received from God. In fact, it is as essential to our happiness, welfare and salvation as breath is to life itself!

So, go out and get some  clean, fresh air every day.  How much? Take two 20  minute walks for the best  results. (And if you walk right after a meal, you will also prevent blood sugar spikes and find it helps you lose weight).  Also, when you’re feeling a bit tired, go outside, or open a window, and breathe in that fresh air!

Written by Susan Gilmore and Vicki Griffin