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Better Breakfasts Gluten-Free

Tuscan Beans Over Toast

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Whenever we think of breakfast, quite often toast comes to mind. But what do you put on top? I like to make breakfast the heartiest meal of the day, so I look for toppings that are rich in fiber as well as taste. How about some beans? Beans are a […]


Ratatouille Spaghetti

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If your childhood was like mine, you might remember spaghetti in a can! I gobbled it up.  And when my mom made Spaghetti from scratch, down the hatch! But those were my pre-veggie days. My mom did serve veggies and I loved them all. She used to say I was […]


Spinach Alfredo Rotini

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In our HealthBites Kitchen, we eat many kinds of greens because they’re a tremendous food that loves you back. All plant foods are great at doing this, but some foods are more amazing than others. Greens are one of them. They are a superfood, known as vasodilators, because they keep […]

Better Breakfasts Gluten-Free

Banana French Toast

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Do you need some kid-friendly meals to turn your children onto breakfast? How about a fruity slice of french toast?  I think of it as an upgrade from the standard American version. You can totally eliminate the cholesterol and still have good protein when you make banana french toast. In […]

Better Breakfasts Gluten-Free

Scrambled Tofu Over Toast

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A breakfast that always puts a smile on my husband’s face is whenever I whip up some scrambled tofu. A classic breakfast for many Americans is often scrambled eggs. But if you are trying to cut your cholesterol intake, passing on the eggs is a healthy step  in the right […]

Better Breakfasts Gluten-Free

Almond Granola

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I like to start my morning with a hearty cereal. Granola is at the top of my list. I could buy granola at my local grocery store, but they are often high in sugar or fat. So they’re not always the best option for me to be well naturally. For […]