Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

10 Tips for Weight Loss: Here’s the Evidence!

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Every year that goes by seems to bring another great idea for losing weight. But the weight-loss industry is riddled with myths or with diet plans that don’t seem to work for the long haul. Before jumping on board any weight-loss plan, how about looking for the evidence? Here are some […]

Healthy Lifestyle

The Age of Arthritis

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Nearly half of all Americans age 65 and older have been diagnosed with arthritis. If you’re one of the millions who have arthritis, you can improve your health with these healthy choices: MAINTAIN A HEALTH WEIGHT. For every pound you lose, there is a 4-pound reduction in the load exerted on […]

Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s Hear It for Hope

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Do you know someone who is going through a major crisis? Divorce? Cancer? Loss of a loved one? If you were in their shoes, what would you like to hear? You’d want to hear words of hope and here are 3 ways to say it. Not Yet When someone is […]

Healthy Lifestyle

5 New Ways to Reduce Your Stroke Risk

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Esther woke up one morning, feeling a numb feeling on her face. And when she looked up, everything looked a little blurry. When her husband came into the kitchen, there she sat, with her mouth drooping to one side. During the night, Esther had a stroke. In a few short […]

Healthy Lifestyle

Always Feeling Tired?

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Why am I feeling tired? When you’re feeling tired and worn down, your body is telling you that you’re having an energy shortage. You might try to boost your energy with a cup of coffee, but that doesn’t really fix the problem. What we call energy is actually a molecule […]

Healthy Lifestyle

Gratitude is Good for You

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Instead of expressing thankfulness only on Thanksgiving Day, why not cultivate an attitude of gratitude with you all year long? Research shows that gratitude gives us numerous benefits for health and healing. Here are just a few of the findings we have found: Gratitude Improves Your Health Grateful people experience […]