At the Headache Center at the University of Pittsburgh, doctors encourage patients to try natural means of improving headache, including these pain-reducing habits: Give your body and brain a schedule. Have regular times for sleeping and eating to avoid getting too hungry or tired. Walk tall, sit straight, and stretch out. Robert […]
Healthy Lifestyle
Natural Ways to Relieve Pain
1 commentPopping a pill isn’t the only way to find relief from chronic pain. You can also help ease your discomfort with these natural approaches to pain management. Pain is frightening.Everyone has dealt with it one time or another. But if you’re someone who has chronic pain, it’s easy to become […]
Natural Ways to Improve Your Gut Health
Comments are DisabledDiscover the amazing contributions of gut bacteria to health and disease. Plus scientifically validated natural remedies that may improve your gut health in just few days! Your gut provides a home for trillions of bacteria. So far there are 2,000 known species of gut bacteria. The contributions of the gut […]
Wet, Wild, and Wonderful
Comments are DisabledRemarkable Facts About Water A hot shower, a refreshing dip in the pool, an ice-cold lemonade, a steaming mug of tea. So many of life’s little pleasures depend on water. Actually, your very life depend on it. So drink up some fascinating facts about this humble but essential beverage. (Did […]
The 1% Principle
Comments are DisabledImprove Your Health–a Little at a Time We often fall prey to the idea that accomplishing something big–like losing a significant amount of weight, beating diabetes, or just “becoming healthy”–requires big, dramatic actions. But small changes, if they’re intentional and consistent, can actually have a major impact. Lesley Lutes, Ph.D, […]
Say NO to Deadly Blood Clots
1 commentOne in four people worldwide die from conditions caused by thrombosis (blood clot). Thrombosis is a leading global cause of death and disability.  Between 60,000 to 100,000 people with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) will die because a clot inside a deep vein in the leg, pelvis, or arm dislodges and […]