Author: admin

Healthy Lifestyle

Always Feeling Tired?

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Why am I feeling tired? When you’re feeling tired and worn down, your body is telling you that you’re having an energy shortage. You might try to boost your energy with a cup of coffee, but that doesn’t really fix the problem. What we call energy is actually a molecule […]

Healthy Lifestyle

Gratitude is Good for You

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Instead of expressing thankfulness only on Thanksgiving Day, why not cultivate an attitude of gratitude with you all year long? Research shows that gratitude gives us numerous benefits for health and healing. Here are just a few of the findings we have found: Gratitude Improves Your Health Grateful people experience […]

Healthy Eating

Improve Your Mood with Food

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Do you wake up on an installment plan? Do you really not surface until you have another coffee break? Are you out-of-sorts? Downright grumpy? You can improve your mood by changing the foods you eat. How? Plant Foods to the Rescue Enjoy a plant-based diet, including a wide variety of […]

Salad Bar

Roasted Chickpea Salad with Ranch Dressing

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This Thanksgiving, a definite must for me is to have a big bowl of salad on the table. Salad? It won’t be the centerpiece, but some of my favorite dishes always include greens. There’s something so satisfying about fresh veggies, especially when it includes colorful salad greens like Red Romaine. […]

Gluten-Free Holiday Dishes

Almond-Rice Loaf with Herb Gravy

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What will be the centerpiece of your Thanksgiving table? This year, I’ll be serving Almond-Rice loaf. It may not be as popular as turkey, but it is in a home like ours where Thanksgiving means a feast of delicious and healthy plant foods. This loaf has been one of our […]

Diabetes Healthy Lifestyle

Eat to Beat Diabetes

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Today is World Diabetes Day, a day to raise awareness for this chronic disease sweeping across America. 30 million Americans suffer with type 2 diabetes and every year 1.5 million more are added to the list. The Center for Disease Control is concerned that  unless we do something soon, we […]