Plant-based diets can have a host of positive health effects in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a new review published in the journal Clinical Nutrition. More than 100 million Americans currently have diabetes or prediabetes – and those with the condition are two to four times more likely to die […]
Food for Medicine
Nomato Sauce – When Tomatoes Aren’t Your Friend
Comments are DisabledPizza and french fries. They’re America’s favorite foods, making the potato and tomato the two most popular vegetables we eat. Surprisingly, they’re both part of the same family–the nightshade family. And if you find yourself struggling with autoimmune disease, leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease, or food allergies, you might have […]
Boost Your Mood
Comments are DisabledAre you counting the days to spring yet? This week, I’ve been seeing some early signs it’s not far away. Daffodils poking through the soil. A red-winged blackbird singing close by. Just yesterday, we spied three robins in the yard! But the temperatures have taken another nose dive. And even […]
Build On Starch
Comments are DisabledIf you look around the world, you come across one amazing discovery–all large populations of trim, healthy people ate largely from starchy foods. Japanese and other Asians ate sweet potatoes or rice. The Incas in South America ate potatoes. The Mayans and Aztecs in Central America ate corn. And Egyptians […]
Flu Protection on Your Plate
Comments are DisabledI have many friends who have been suffering with the flu this winter. Because of that, I have been cooking faithfully from my antioxidant menu which I have posted to the inside cupboard door in my kitchen. One of my favorite ways to boost my immune system is by eating sweet […]